Friday, May 29, 2009

Save Our Roof - The Fordhall Farmhouse Roof Fund.

By now many of you will have received your letter, or maybe seen the appeal on our website..... Anyway... We need your help to save the Fordhall Community Land Initiatives most valuable capital asset....The Farmhouse Roof!
The roof is in urgent need of repair as moisture ingress is now causing serious structural damage. The roof needs to be repaired as soon as possible to ensure that the building will not deteriorate any further and to allow repairs inside to begin.
Fordhall Farmhouse is such a beautiful building and one day we hope to fully restore it to its former glory. Renovating the roof is the first vital step in ensuring the Fordhall Community Land Initiative’s (FCLI) most valuable capital asset remains this way.

Owned by the Fordhall Community Land Initiative and its shareholders, the farmhouse is rented to the Hollins family and is an integral part of the farm’s history. Parts of it are over 200 years old and the interior still retains the beauty of bygone ages. The farmhouse has seen so much throughout the years from the birth of Arthur’s mother in the rooms upstairs, to the days in which Fordhall existed as a country club. Let’s not allow it to go to ruins and be spoilt forever. This is a hugely valuable project and worth pulling together for.
Any donation however small (or large!) is fantastic. It soon adds up! This can be done easily via Paypal on our website.
A huge thank you must go to all the people that have already donated towards this important cause.
Thank you.
Jack Tavernor, Board member and chairman of the Building sub group

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